Cargo Cat
Cat lived in cargo shed number one . carlos worked in the cargo shed.He put boxes on the plane.
At lunchtime carlos gave cat some food.come on cat said carlos . carlos sat and watched cat.
In the shed there were big boxes small boxes and fat loved to play in the boxes.She loved to sleep in the boxes.
One day cat was sleeping in a big box.Carlos didnt see cat he put the big box in the plane.
The plane took off it went...
Over the mountains over the town and over the sea to cargo shed number two.
At lunchtime carlos called to didn't come . carlos could nit find was lost.
So carlos sent a message.
In cargo shed number two cat woke up.she was scared.
A woman looked in the box.whats this?she most be cat.I will send you back .she put cat into a box and she put the box in the plane.
The plane went...
Over the sea over the town and over the mountains to cargo shed.number went back ti carlos.
Cat still loves boxes.boxes to play in and boxes ti hide in but when cat sleeps she sleeps on a chair.and carlos calls her cargo cat.