the old cat
The old cat just sat.She didn't climb or jump or play.Her eyes were very red and she wouldn't eat her dinner.What is
the matter?said Mrs Mudge. You didn't eat your dinner and your didn't eat your dinner and your eyes are very red.I will take you ti the vet.
Mrs Mudge took the old cat has red eyes said the vet.The vet gave Mrs Mudge some eye drops for the old cat.You must put six drops in her eyes every day she said.You must keep a tally.
On the first day Mrs Mudge picked up the old cat.She held her tight and put six drops into the old cats eyes.She made a tally.
Day 1
Eye drop tally.Old cat eyes very red.
On the second day Mrs Mudge went to get the old cat.But the old cat hid under the table.She meowed and growled when Mrs Mudge got her out.But in went the eye drops.Mrs Mudge made a tally.
Day 2
Eye drop tally.Old cats eyes red.
On the third day the old cat ran around and around the bathroom.She hid in the bath.When Mrs Mudge picked her up she meowed and growled.But in went the drops.
Day 3
Eye drop tally.Old cats eyes not so red.
On the fourth day the old cat played.She swung on the curtains.When Mrs Mudge got her down.She meowed and growled. She didn't want drops in her eyes.But in went the drops.
Day 4
Eye drop tally.Old cats eyes looking better.
On the fifth day Mrs Mudge picked up the old cat.
Old cat she said.Your eyes are not red.You can jump and play and you can eat your dinner.Your eyes are better.